Recent Projects

On the Subject of Tests: Performing with Objects

On the Subject of Tests: Performing with Objects understand intelligence test kits as ‘readymade performances’. Therein, the test kits at once dictate the rules of a performace (via the manual), provide the most necessary and crucial props (the subtests), and are packaged up, ready to be carried from place to place. All that is necessary to perform the test now is a competent performer (the examiner). 

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On the Subject of Tests:
Rhetoric of a Box

On the Subject of Tests: Rhetoric of a Box is a collection of over 800 photographs of intelligence tests developed in the United States. Part of an expansive ongoing project, this archive explores the aesthetic dimensions of commonly used twentieth-century intelligence tests in relationship to their entanglement in the history of eugenics, military and prison regimes and the neoliberalisation of workplaces and schools. The photographs explore the tests’ visual cultures by training a careful eye to each and every object within each kit, looking to see what messages and morals leak through consciously and unconsciously in their designs.

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On the Subject of Tests:
Rehearsing the Examination

On the Subject of Tests: Rehearsing the Examination envisions a psychometric examiner as an actor and the test as a prop and therefore re-frames intelligence testing as a theatrical performance. In doing so, this artistic research makes an inquiry into how an examiner performs the tests as well as how a subject of the test is a participant, observer and recipient of the performance all at once.  

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On the Subject of Tests:
Test as Archive (Desk as Archive)

On the Subject of Tests: Test as Archive (Desk as Archive), presents an archival desk and video viewing area as a space for exploration, meaning-making, engagement and interaction with an array of materials concerning both intelligence tests, as well as objects, images and articles that connect them to play, education, military recruitment, formations of race and ethnicity and other forms of psychometrics.

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